Sorry that I have not posted recently, but our lives have been nothing but thrilling since Olivia was born a month ago! Where should I begin?
Let me begin with the most exciting news! Daniel has started his own millwork and cabinetry company along with Zac, his new business partner. The company is called Millworks By Design! I have never seen Dan so excited about his work! Starting this company meant that we had to say goodbye to the company he has been working for for the past three years! The split was not easy and came with many trying moments. Because our home was part of his compensation plan, we had to move! (In a week none the less!) At first we were not sure where we were going to move to, but the Lord has yet to fail us and has provided a beautiful home for us. We are living in a house that will be torn down in six months, but until then, it is our home until we are able to find something more permanent! We are glad that life has slowed down a little bit now and we can catch our breath! Thank you for all of you who have been praying for us during this difficult and exciting time!
As soon as I get a chance I will post pictures!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago