As you may know Mommy and Amma love to quilt! They have ALOT of fabric and UFOs (unfinished objects)! They were trying to organize all of their endless boxes last Saturday! When they went out to the new sowing room for a minute, and Daddy was watching me, I decided I would help by dumping out boxes! Mommy and Amma came back inside to see that quite a bit of their work had been undone! I was having so much fun that they let me play for a bit longer and Amma took my picture! I can't wait until I can make quilts too! Thank you Amma for all your FUN FABRICS!!!
Yay Jaelynn! Join the FSOA club! (Future Sewers of America) Can't wait to sew with you when you're a little older. :-) You got the right idea!
Love you all!
Good job, Jaelynn!! Woo boy! With Daddy watching even! I'll bet he got it for that one!
Grandpa and Grandma
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