Upon my littlest sisters request, here is the newest addition to our ever growing family! I found out I was pregnant right before we left for Virginia! Not thinking I was very far along I was expecting a June baby until last week when the doctor let us know that I was already 12 weeks along and due May 19th! I can't tell you how excited we are! It is so amazing to see this little miracles beating heart, kicking legs and arms! Oh! There is no doubt that Gods creation is absolutely breathtaking and beautiful!
All I can say is, WOW! What a marvel of God's creation! Welcome to our family, precious little one. We love you!!!
Congratulations Daniel and Kendra! How exciting :) My prayers will be with you Kendra as you carry this new child. May your pregnancy be an easy one and may that little one grow strong and healthy.
God bless your growing family!
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