My how she has grown, and it feels as though it were overnight!
Let's see if I can sum up Jaelynn in a few words...
-Talkative (mom, dad, baby, baba, amma, papa, hot, nose, eyes, uhoh, no, and many more)
-Loves being outside, especially in the garden smelling the flowers!
-Animal lover!
-Cuddle bug!
-Strong-willed (yes! we are daily working on that little will of hers)
-Anxiously awaiting the arrival of her baby sister.
-Such a big helper already! She helps with the laundry, picking up and follows me around doing whatever I am doing!
-A little mommy, taking care of her baby dolls like a natural.
-Daddy's little girl!
-Mommy's pride and joy
-Truly a BLESSING!