I know with a heading like that, you were all expecting to hear that we had had our new baby! Not yet!! We adopted a kitten this last weekend, Rellik. Daniel insisted that he did not want an indoor cat, well, Rellik has taken quite a liking to his master. And I think Daniel is warming up as well. Rellik has decided that the best place to sleep is as close to Daniel's head as possible, as you can see in the first picture. (taken at 2:46 a.m. by a pregnant woman who can't sleep) Jaelynn also has fallen head over heals for her new pet. She follows him around everywhere he goes, will wait patiently for him to come out from underneath the bed, tries to feed him, and calls him "meow". What is a home without animals?
That's the way it goes with animals and dads, I think. My dad always insisted that he didn't like small dogs, until he bought one for my mom and it slept with him.
We can't wait to hear about the new baby's arrival!
I think that animals figure out who does not want them and loves them the most!
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