Everybody tells you to watch out for the steps when you are 9 months pregnant, but somehow I managed to step off 3 concrete steps, in the dark holding Olivia! So far to date, I have spent alot of time on the couch this pregnancy! After a trip to the ER, the diagnoses was a severely sprained ankle. I thought by now I would be able to be about my merry business, but I am still in quite a bit of pain. Thank goodness for great family, Sandy came the beginning of the week and was joined by Sally, Jeremy and the Littles in the middle of the week. When Sally arrived she came with clay...clay you ask? To be completely honest, I am not sure what all it's healing qualities are, but Sally wrapped my sprained ankle with mud, washcloths and plastic wrap and then the other ankle which is completely scrapped up. In addition to having a sprained ankle, my midwife wants me to have my tummy facing downward so that the baby doesn't flip with her spine towards my spine. So here I have been on the couch, ankles covered in "mud", plastic and over the arm of the couch!
"In whatever state I am, I am content"
You poor baby girl......... hang in there. :)
I am soooooo sorry, Kendra! I wish I could do something for you! I am sending an internet hug....*hug*.:) I can't wait to meet your baby girl. I will be praying for you.
Oh, dear. I feel so badly for you... although I admit I did chuckle a bit reading your post. Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon!
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